Equal Fashion Magazine Vol 4 | 2016 | Page 6

Equal Fashion Magazine Vol 4-2016 { A wonderf ul t hing happens when you f inal l y accept what t he l it t l e voice inside you has been t el l ing you f or years; That t his l if e is YOURS. You start to see everything differently when you take that knowledge on-board. You start to live. It's an amazing feeling to wake up each morning knowing that you will choose how your day plays out.Oh,that's the first thing....dump the words 'must and 'have to' and replace them with 'choose'. Sh an t i Bab a & On e Lo v e Things become easier once you start choosing,You choose to go to work,you choose to pay the phone bill,you choose to attend that audition. I know, I know... you cant NOT pay the bills,but telling yourself that you're choosing to pay them takes away the power they have to make you feel like some kind of slave. So...Pick your day. Today would be a good time but tomorrows okay too. Wake up. Take some time to locate the love that's in everyone of us. Relish the thought that you're alive.Have some breakfast (coffee and cigarette get me going but feel free to have something healthier) and go out into your world. Feel the air flowing into you. Listen. Smile at everyone-the homeless lady on the corner, that guy in the grey suit rushing somewhere, the kid playing ball against the wall.....everyone. 6 }