Equador 1 | Page 16

Cole J. Kirsch

Movement of people,ideas,goods religion and cultural in Ecuador move in many ways.

People Moving

Some of the ways of moving in Ecuador in order of most use are as follows,

buses and taxis are the most use ways of travel than airport and train.

Moving in fast ways.

Religion Moving/government

Ecuadorean are manly Roma,not all of they. Ecuador is a good at helping the poor and making school for kids. Most of the population loves the idea of helping out, and with a population of 13032000 it's a lot.

Both work hard to get it all finistion.


Some of Ecuador biggest exports are oil, gold, shrimp and bananas in that order,but that is not all of them it just the main things.

All goods are different based on culture.


Ecuadorians rely on families both close and ones you don't even remember. They ask godparents for help and they give and share life lessons,stories and hops.

All kinds of groups need all kinds of things for things.

How is the life's of you or me simpler to them.