Croatia Osnovna škola Pušća
Subject ( s ) Topic
Maths Tangrams
Aims of the lesson Students will : 1 ) explain what is Tangram ; 2 ) get to know the history of Tangram ; 3 ) get to know one of the legends about a Tangram ; 4 ) identify the shape of each Tangram ( geometric shapes ); 5 ) get to know the rules of Tangram puzzles ;
6 ) create different designs Age of students 12-13
Time Methods Teaching resources Activities
45 minutes Individual work , work in pairs PPT presentation , interactive board , paper Tangrams , scissors , glue , computers Introduction Activity 1 – Introduction into the topic T asks Ss if they know what is Tangram and then shows them big Tangram puzzles . T asks Ss what geometric shapes they know and gives them paper with pictures and names of different geometric shapes . Ss have to connect picture of each geometric shape with its name .
Middle part Activity 2 – PPT presentation about the Tangrams Ss watch the PPT presentation and learn about the history and legend about a Tangram . T asks Ss to identify the shape of each Tangram . Ss observed two large triangles , one medium sized triangle , one square , two small triangles and one parallelogram . T introduces Ss with rules how to create different designs and shows them some ideas what they can put together .