EPS: Pre-K Handbook 2023-24 | Page 24

4 . meet with Safe School Climate Specialists at least twice during the school year to discuss issues relating to bullying the school district and to make recommendations concerning amendments to the district ’ s Plan .
B . Safe School Climate Specialist
The Principal of each school ( or principal ’ s designee ) shall serve as the Safe School Climate Specialist . The Safe School Climate Specialist shall investigate or supervise the investigation of reported acts of bullying and act as the primary school official responsible for preventing , identifying and responding to reports of bullying in the school .
V . Development and Review of Safe School Climate Plan
A . The Principal of each school shall establish a committee or designate at least one existing committee (“ Committee ”) in the school to be responsible for developing and fostering a safe school climate and addressing issues relating to bullying in the school . Such committee shall include at least one parent / guardian of a student enrolled in the school , as appointed by the school principal .
B . The Committee shall : 1 ) receive copies of completed reports following bullying investigations ; 2 ) identify and address patterns of bullying among students in the school ; 3 ) implement the provisions of the school security and safety plan , if applicable , regarding the collection , evaluation and reporting of information relating to instances of disturbing or threatening behavior that may not meet the definition of bullying , 4 ) review and amend school policies relating to bullying ; 5 ) review and make recommendations to the Coordinator regarding the Safe School Climate Plan based on issues and experiences specific to the school ; 6 ) educate students , school employees and parents / guardians on issues relating to bullying ; 7 ) collaborate with the Coordinator in the collection of data regarding bullying ; and 8 ) perform any other duties as determined by the Principal that are related to the prevention , identification and response to school bullying .
C . Any parent / guardian serving as a member of the Committee shall not participate in any activities which may compromise the confidentiality of any student , including , but not limited to receiving copies of investigation reports , or identifying or addressing patterns of bullying among students in the school .
D . The Board of Education shall approve the Safe School Climate Plan developed pursuant to Board policy and submit such plan to the Department of Education . Not later than thirty ( 30 ) calendar days after approval by the Board , the Board shall make such plan available on the Board ' s and each individual school in the school district ' s web site and ensure that the Safe School Climate Plan is included in the school district ' s publication of the rules , procedures and standards of conduct for schools and in all student handbooks .
VI . Procedures for Reporting and Investigating Complaints of Bullying
A .
Students and parents ( or guardians of students ) may file written reports of bullying . Written reports of bullying shall be reasonably specific as to the basis for the report , including the time and place of the alleged conduct , the number of incidents , the target of the suspected bullying , and the names of potential witnesses . Such reports may be filed with any building administrator and / or the Safe School Climate Specialist ( i . e . building principal ), and all reports shall
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