ENFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS Enfield , Connecticut
Administrative Regulation : 5131.9
The Board is committed to creating and maintaining a physically , emotionally , and intellectually safe educational environment free from bullying , teen dating violence , harassment and discrimination . In order to foster an atmosphere conducive to learning , the Board has developed the following Safe School Climate Plan , consistent with state law and Board Policy . This Plan represents a comprehensive approach to addressing bullying , cyberbullying and teen dating violence and sets forth the Board ’ s expectations for creating a positive school climate and thus preventing , intervening , and responding to incidents of bullying and teen dating violence .
Bullying behavior and teen dating violence are strictly prohibited , and students who are determined to have engaged in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action , which may include suspension or expulsion from school . The district ’ s commitment to addressing bullying behavior and teen dating violence , however , involves a multifaceted approach , which includes education and the promotion of a positive school climate in which bullying will not be tolerated
I . Prohibition Against Bullying , Teen Dating Violence and Retaliation
A . The Board expressly prohibits any form of bullying behavior and teen dating violence on school grounds ; at a school-sponsored or school-related activity , function or program whether on or off school grounds ; at a school bus stop ; on a school bus or other vehicle owned , leased or used by a local or regional board of education ; or through the use of an electronic device or an electronic mobile device owned , leased or used by Board of Education .
B . The Board also prohibits any form of bullying behavior outside of the school setting if such bullying ( i ) creates a hostile environment at school for the student against whom such bullying was directed , ( ii ) infringes on the rights of the student against whom such bullying was directed at school , or ( iii ) substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school ;
C . The Board further prohibits any form of teen dating violence outside of the school setting if such violence substantially disrupts the educational process .
D . In addition to prohibiting student acts that constitute bullying , the Board also prohibits discrimination and / or retaliation against an individual who reports or assists in the investigation of an act of bullying .
E . Students who engage in bullying behavior or teen dating violence in violation of Board Policy and the Safe School Climate Plan shall be subject to school discipline , up to and including expulsion , in accordance with the Board ' s policies on student discipline , suspension and expulsion , and consistent with state and federal law .
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