EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 28


POLICY ON STUDENT RECORDS & CONFIDENTIAL 5125.2 The Enfield Board of Education supports the need of student records for each pupil that will reflect the academic , physical , emotional , and social development of the student . An educational record shall be maintained for each student from his / her entrance into the school system through the twelfth grade . The basic purpose of these records is to use them for the benefit of the student . Administrative regulations will protect the privacy rights of parents and students in accordance with Federal and State Statutes . Submitted : December 5 , 1978 Approved : December 12 , 1978

Community Relations 1212

School Volunteers , Student Interns and Other Non-Employees

The Board of Education recognizes the importance of school volunteers at all levels of schooling . Volunteers can enhance collaboration between the school and community , broaden the school ’ s educational environment and ultimately enrich students ’ school experience . The Board further acknowledges that it may , from time to time , be asked to provide learning experiences for student interns within the school environments . In recognition of the benefit of having volunteers , interns and other such non-employees providing services within the schools , the Board supports the involvement of these individuals in accordance with suitable regulations and safeguards to be developed by the Administration .
Volunteers , interns and other such non-employees working within the schools (“ volunteers ”) must work under the supervision of Enfield Public Schools staff . Volunteers are held to the same standards of conduct as school staff and must observe all Board of Education policies , including applicable policies on the confidentiality of student information .
Volunteers may be required to submit to state and federal criminal record checks and a record check of the Department of Children and Families (“ DCF ”) Child Abuse and Neglect Registry . No person who is required to register as a sex offender under state or federal law , or whose name is currently listed on the DCF registry , may volunteer in the Enfield Public Schools .
No employee of the Enfield Public Schools shall serve as a volunteer in any capacity , except as may be approved by the Superintendent or his / her designee based on the specific situation .
Persons interested in volunteering their services should contact the school Principal .
Legal Reference : Connecticut General Statutes 10-4g Parent and community involvement in schools ; model programs ; school-based teams . 10-235 Indemnification of teachers , board members , employees and certain volunteers and students in damage suits ; expenses of litigation . 54-254 Registration of person who has committed a felony for a sexual purpose .