EPS: JFK Handbook and Welcome 2022-23 | Page 10

Academic Calendar

Health / Nurses Office We ask that your child utilize the health care professionals we have on staff . Please have you child report to the nurse ’ s office if they are experiencing any health-related issues . If you child takes medication , please fill out that appropriate paperwork and drop the medication off to the nurse . Please do not send your child to school with any form of medication . Last , we ask that your refrain from arranging pick-ups due to medical issue communicated via text messaging . We prefer to use the processes and procedures we have in place . Our nurse , Mrs . Diane Stack can be reached here : dstack @ enfieldschools . org .

Mental Health Resources We understand that mental health is of serious concern during this challenging time . We encourage you to reach out to our school counseling department with specific concerns . We have also included several resources below :

• Mobile Crisis Intervention Services : 211-1-1 ; Youth ; Adults
• Healthy Lives Connecticut https :// www . healthylivesct . org /
• Gizmo ’ s Pawesome Guide to Mental Health : www . Gizmo4MentalHealth . org
• Crisis Text Line : Text CT to 741741 ; www . crisistextline . org
• National Suicide Prevention Lifeline : 1 ( 800 ) 273-TALK ( 8255 ); www . suicidepreventionlifeline . org

Resources Connecticut Department of Education

Resources for Families
CTDOE Leaning Hub Enfield Public Schools
EPS Parent / Guardian Page


Plans and Procedures All emergency plans and procedures will be covered with your child during the first days of school . If we are ever required to evacuate JFK ’ s campus , our remote pick-up location is St . Jeanne Jugan Parish at Holy Family Church ( 23 Simon Rd , Enfield , CT 06082 ).