ACCIDENT INSURANCE Parents / guardians will have an opportunity to purchase voluntary student Accident Insurance for their children . Student Accident Insurance helps ease concerns by providing benefits for injuries that occur during school hours and / or school sponsored activities . Parent / guardians will receive information about Accident Insurance in the parent information packets sent home with all students during the first week of school . Information and enrollment forms about Accident Insurance can be found on our website www . enfieldschools . org under the Parent Support heading , look for Health & Insurance and then click on Student Accident Insurance .
ANIMALS AND PETS In accordance with Board of Education Policy # 6163.3 , all requests to have animals in the classroom or on school property must be submitted to the principal in writing . Included in the request should be a description of the activity , type of animal , educational purpose / benefit , length of activity , and a plan for the care of the animal . The principal has the discretion to permit or deny the presence of animals . Parents are requested to provide a copy of their pet ’ s immunizations to the principal for the safety and protection of the children in school as well as for the family ’ s liability .
Refer to Policy # 6163.3 for more information
ASBESTOS In accordance with state and federal regulations , an Asbestos Management Plan has been developed for all school buildings in the Enfield Public Schools System . The District has on file plans showing the location of asbestos in each building and measures undertaken to comply with regulations to maintain a safe school environment . A copy of the Management Plan for each specific school building is kept in the Principal ’ s office for that respective school . If you have any questions regarding the Asbestos Management Plan , please do not hesitate to contact Mark Gahr , Facilities Manager , at ( mgahr @ enfield . org ) or at ( 860 ) 253-6361 .
ASSEMBLIES There are times when classes , grades , teams , or the entire school may gather for assembly programs . These programs are arranged to bring information or entertainment to the student community . A student ’ s conduct in assemblies must meet the same standards as in the classroom .
Connecticut state law requires parents to cause their children , ages five through eighteen inclusive , to attend school regularly during the hours and terms the public school is in session . Parents or persons having control of a child five ( 5 ) years of age have the option of not sending the child to school until ages six or seven . Mandatory attendance terminates upon graduation or withdrawal with written parent / guardian consent at age seventeen .
A student is considered to be “ in attendance ” if present at his / her assigned school , or an activity sponsored by the school ( e . g ., field trip ), for at least half of the regular school day . A student who is serving an outof-school suspension or expulsion should always be considered absent . A student not meeting the definition of “ in attendance ” shall be considered absent .