ANTI HAZING POLICY ( continued ) 5131.91
3 . Any activity involving the consumption of any alcoholic beverage , drug , tobacco product or any other food , liquid , or substance that subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the mental or physical health or safety of the student .
4 . Any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism , that subjects a student to stress , embarrassment , shame , or humiliation , that adversely affects the mental health or dignity of the student or discourages the student from remaining in school .
5 . Any activity that causes or requires the student to perform a task that involves violation of state or federal law or of school district policies or regulations .
IV .
Reporting Procedures
A . Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of hazing or any person with knowledge or belief or conduct , which may constitute hazing , shall report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate school district official designated by this policy .
B . The building Principal is the person responsible for receiving reports of hazing at the building level . Any person may report hazing directly to the Assistant Principal , Coordinator of Athletics , Assistant Superintendent , or to the Superintendent .
C . Parents and / or students are asked to help school officials to detect and respond to any situation that may include hazing . Parents and / or students who observe or have knowledge of hazing practices should report all information to the building Principal for investigation .
D . Teachers , administrators , volunteers , contractors , and other employees of the school district shall be particularly alert to possible situations , circumstances or events which might include hazing . Any such person who receives a report of , observes , or has other knowledge or belief of conduct , which may constitute hazing , shall inform the building Principal immediately .
E . Submission of a good faith complaint or report of hazing will not affect the complainant or reporter ’ s future employment , grades , or work assignments .
V .
School District Action
A . Upon receipt of a complaint or report of hazing , the school district shall undertake or authorize an investigation by school district officials , or a third party designated by the school district .
B . The school district will take immediate steps , at its discretion , to protect the complainant , reporter , students , or others pending completion of an investigation of hazing .