EPS: Elementary Handbook 2023-24 | Page 35

COMPUTER POLICY ( continued ) 6141.321
Any student who violates this policy and / or any rules governing use of the Enfield Public Schools ’ computers networks and Internet services will be subject to disciplinary action , up to and including expulsion . Illegal uses of the school district ’ s computers will also result in referral to law enforcement authorities .
All Enfield Public Schools ’ computers remain under the control , custody , and supervision of the Enfield Public Schools . Enfield Public Schools reserves the right to monitor all computer and Internet activity by students . Students have no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers .
Each student authorized to access the school district ’ s computers , networks and Internet services is required to sign an acknowledgment form stating that they have read this policy and the accompanying regulations .
Malicious use of the Enfield Public Schools ’ computer network to develop programs or to institute practices that harass other users or gain unauthorized access to any entity on the system and / or damage the components of the entity of the network is prohibited . Users are responsible for the appropriateness of the material they transmit over the system . Hate mail , harassment , discriminatory remarks , cyberbullying , or other antisocial behaviors are expressly prohibited .
Cyberbullying includes , but is not limited to , the following misuses of technology : harassing , teasing , intimidating , threatening , or terrorizing another person by sending or posting inappropriate and hurtful email-messages , instant messages , text messages , digital pictures , images , and website postings .
The Superintendent or his / her designee shall be responsible for overseeing the implementation of this policy and the accompanying rules and for advising the Board of the need for any future amendments or revisions to the policy / regulations . The Superintendent or his / her designee may develop additional administrative procedures / rules governing the day-to-day management and operations of the Enfield Public Schools ’ computers , networks , and Internet services system as long as they are consistent with the Board ’ s policy . The Superintendent may delegate specific responsibilities to building principals and others as he / she deems appropriate .
Legal Reference :
Connecticut General Statutes Children ’ s Internet Protection Act , Pub . L . 106-554 , codified at 47 U . S . C . § 254 ( h ). 53a-182b Harassment in the first degree : Class D felony . ( as amended by PA 95-143 ) 53a-183 Harassment in the second degree : Class C misdemeanor . 53a-250 Definitions . Electronic Communication Privacy Act , 28 U . S . C . §§ 2510 through 2520 . Public Law 110-385 Broadband Data Improvement Act / Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act
Policy Adopted :
July 13 , 1999
Policy Revised :
February 24 , 2004
Policy Revised :
August 28 , 2007
Policy Revised :
March 24 , 2009
Policy Revised :
June 26 , 2012
Policy Revised :
June 28 , 2016
Policy adopted :
May 11 , 2021