BOARD OF EDUCATION Board members are unpaid elected public officials with the responsibility for governance of the school district . The current Enfield Board of Education members are :
Charlotte Riley , Chairwoman |
860-593-9841 |
55 Jondot Drive |
criley @ enfieldschools . org |
Peter Jonaitis , Vice Chairman |
860-763-3193 |
3 Farmstead Circle |
pjonaitis @ enfieldschools . org |
Scott Ryder , Secretary |
518-210-4639 |
4 Misty Meadow |
sryder @ enfieldschools . org |
Jean Acree |
413-244-3787 |
61 Brookside Village |
jacree @ enfieldschools . org |
Dr . Gerald Calnen |
( 860 ) 550-4755 |
74 Spruceland Road |
gcalnen @ enfieldschools . org |
Janet Cushman |
860-745-2003 |
37 Guild Street |
jcushman @ enfieldschools . org |
Philip Kober |
860-888-7323 |
4 East Forest Drive |
pkober @ enfieldschools . org |
Tina LeBlanc |
860-394-6259 |
22 David Street |
tleblanc @ enfieldschools . org |
Amanda Pickett |
860-381-9118 |
33 Guild Street |
apickett @ enfieldschools . org |
In order to perform its duties in an open and public manner and in accordance with state law , the Board of Education meets regularly on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM , except on legal holidays . The citizens of Enfield are invited to attend all meetings of the Board of Education . Most meetings , exclusive of executive sessions , are open to the public and are held in Council Chambers at Town Hall . The Board gives prior notice for any meetings held at any other school .
Meetings of the Board follow a planned and posted agenda . At a certain time in the agenda , the Board chairperson will recognize individuals who want to make a statement , or to express a viewpoint . In addition , if they give advance notice to the Superintendent , individuals with relevant issues for discussion may have such issues placed on a future Board agenda for a more thorough discussion of the topic .
The Board ’ s main purpose is policy setting designed to improve student learning . Board members are interested in the public ’ s opinion on district issues , which can assist them in formulating policy which reflects community values and expectations .