ATTENDANCE ( continued ) 5113
Such documentation includes a signed note from the student ’ s parent / guardian , a signed note from a school official that spoke in person with the parent / guardian regarding the absence , or a note confirming the absence by the school nurse or by a licensed medical professional , as appropriate . Documentation should explain the nature of and the reason for the absence as well as the length of the absence . Separate documentation must be submitted for each incidence of absenteeism .
D .
For the tenth absence and all absences thereafter , a student ’ s absences from school are considered excused for the following reasons :
1 . Student illness a licensed medical professional to be deemed excused , regardless of the length of absence ); 2 . Student ’ s observance of a religious holiday ; 3 . Death in the student ’ s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student ’ s family ; 4 . Mandated court appearances ( additional documentation required ); 5 . The lack of transportation that is normally provided by a district other than the one the student attends ( no parental documentation is required for this reason ); or 6 . Extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by district administrators and to be in accordance with Connecticut State Department of Education guidance .
E . A student ’ s absence from school shall be considered unexcused unless :
1 . The absence meets the definition of an excused absence and meets the documentation requirements ; or
2 . The absence meets the definition of a disciplinary absence , which is the result of school or District disciplinary action and are excluded from these State Board of Education approved definitions .
When the school in which a child is enrolled receives no notification from a parent or other person having control of the child is aware of the child ’ s absence , a reasonable effort shall be made by school personnel or volunteers under the direction of school personnel to notify by telephone and by mail such parent or other person having control of the child .
Responsibility for completion of missed classwork lies with the student , not the teacher . Unless a student has an extended illness , all make-up work will be complete within five days after the student returns to school .
Excused Absences for Children of Service Members
An enrolled student , age five to eighteen , inclusive , whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty member of the armed forces , as defined in section 27-103 , and has been called to duty for , is on leave from , or has immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting , shall be granted ten days of excused absences in any school year and , at the discretion of the Board of Education , additional excused absences to visit such child ’ s parent or legal guardian with respect to such leave or deployment of the parent or legal guardian . In the case of such excused absences such child and parent or legal guardian shall be responsible to obtaining assignments from the student ’ s teacher prior to any period of excused absence , and for ensuring that such assignments are completed by such child prior to his or her return to school from such period of excused absence .