EPS: EHS Program of Studies 2023-2024 | Page 9

Reading the Course Descriptions : The course descriptions for each department are in the same format . The sample below explains the different parts of the course descriptions .
Course Title : Grade ( s ) in which students may take the course and the number of credits .
MODERN WORLD HISTORY Grade 9 1 Credit ( 5407 ) CCP
Course Numbers and Levels : These are the numbers counselors use to register students for each course . In some cases , as in the example below , there are two course numbers listed . Read the course description next to each number to determine the course that is best for the student .
Prerequisites : These are courses , that must be taken before students can take the next course . nex course .
Course Description : This section describes the focus of the course .
Prerequisite ( s ): None In Modern World History students will explore a variety of peoples , events , and movements in world history with a focus on inquiry-based learning . Students will explore cause / effect relationships within the context of history . The course will focus on the Industrial Age through modern times . The study of Modern World History will include themes and content including conflict / resolution , cultural diffusion , change and reactions to it , human rights , individual rights and power of government , globalization and international trade . Modern World History is college preparatory and appropriate for most students entering ninth grade . Successful completion of this course fulfills the required 1 credit in Modern World History .
ENGLISH Grade 9 1 Credit
( 5011 ) Honors
Prerequisite ( s ): None This is a full-year course in which writing , the core of the curriculum , is taught in conjunction with literature . The literature of this course consists of thematic units based on poetry , drama , fiction , and nonfiction . Students are assigned individual reading . Students deliver oral presentations and work collaboratively . Research skills , strategies , and MLA format are introduced . The study of vocabulary and grammar , both formal and informal in context , is an important part of this course . Development and application of critical thinking skills are essential parts of the work of this course . Students are expected to be active participants in class discussion .
Prerequisite ( s ): B or better in previous English course Students who select this course should be self-motivated and selfdirected . There is a high expectation of student performance and rigorous work requirements .
( 5012 ) CCP
Prerequisite ( s ): None This course offers the same content as course 5011 . It is college preparatory and appropriate for students entering ninth grade .