EPS: EHS Program of Studies 2023-2024 | Page 41

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION Grade 11 1 Credit ( 5031 ) AP
ENGLISH 11 Grade 11 1 Credit
( 5032 ) Honors
( 5033 ) CCP
Prerequisite ( s ): English 9 ( 5012 ), English 10 ( 5025 ), English 11 ( 5033 ), and / or teacher or guidance recommendation This is a full year collaborative course designed to assist grade twelve students who experience difficulty in both reading and writing . Basic language arts skills are the focus of instruction . Literature serves as the basis for many of the writing assignments . The scope of writing includes description , narration , analytical , and persuasive writing . Writing is taught as a process , and individualized instruction is provided . Prerequisite ( s ): B or better in English 10 ( 5024 ) and / or teacher recommendation The Advanced Placement course in English Language and Composition engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts , and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes . Both their writing and their reading should make students aware of the interactions among a writer ’ s purposes , audience expectations , and subjects , as well as the way genre conventions and the resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing . Students will be required to complete a summer homework assignment prior to the start of the course . AP credit would be available through successful completion of the AP exam in May . Students enrolled in this course are required to take the AP exam at the end of the year .
Prerequisite ( s ): English 9 ( 5011 or 5012 ), English 10 ( 5024 or 5025 ) This is a full year English course in which research skills and strategies are reinforced and honed . Writing is based on the critical reading and study of various types of American literature : short story , novel , nonfiction , drama , and poetry .
Prerequisite ( s ): English 10 ( 5024 ) or B or better in English 10 ( 5025 ) This course is an intense study of American Literature from colonial to modern times . Historical , sociological , and political events that have shaped the literature of America are the focus of study . Daily discussion is an integral part of the course , as is writing in response to the readings . Students will also conduct research , prepare written reports , and make oral presentations . Research in the community and school library is required . Students who select this course should be self-motivated and able to plan and meet deadlines . Prerequisite ( s ): English 10 ( 5025 ) Designed to help students develop a sense of the contributions of American writers , this course investigates life-styles , attitudes , and / or historical events that have shaped our culture and society . Biographies of the authors may be studied . Daily discussion and research are included in the course . Writing assignments are based on the readings and / or related materials . Students also conduct research , prepare written reports , and make oral presentations . Research in the community and school library is required . Students who select this course need basic research skills development .