EPS: EHS Program of Studies 2023-2024 | Page 39

Seniors are required to take one literature course and one writing course . Any exceptions would require approval of English coordinator and building principal .
English Department
8 th Grade
9 th Grade
10 th Grade
11 th Grade
12 th Grade
AP Language and Composition 5031
UCONN / AP English 5082
Eighth Grade English 581
Honors English 9 5011
Honors English 10 5024
Honors English 11 5032
Honors Critical Writing 5041 Honors Advanced Composition I 5047 Honors Advanced Composition II 5048 Honors British Literature 5064 Honors American Literature 5065 Honors Individual and Society 5074
Eighth Grade English 583
English 9 5012
English 10 5025
The American Experience ( 11 th and 12 th graders ) 5076
English 11 5033
Creative Writing 5042 Writing and the Media 5045 Writing and Speaking for College and Career 5050 Searching & Writing 5057 Contemporary Authors 5062 Literature in a Competitive Society 5075 Contemporary Black Literature 5080 World Literature 5081
Reading and Writing for Literacy 5030