EPS: EHS Program of Studies 2023-2024 | Page 32

Business / Finance / Technology and Marketing Department
8 th Grade 9 th Grade 10 th Grade 11 th Grade 12 th Grade Career Pathway-Marketing Concentration
21 st Century Student Technology 5572
Business Concepts and Careers 5500
Marketing 1 5567 ***
Marketing 2 5568 ***
Career Pathway-Business Management Concentration
21 st Century Student Technology 5572
Entrepreneurship 5501 ***
Business Law 1 5527 ***
Business Law 2 5528
Career Pathway-Personal Finance Concentration
21 st Century Student Technology 5572
Business Concepts and Careers 5500 ***
Personal Finance 5526 ***
Economics 5535 ***
AP Macroeconomics 5536
Career Pathway-Accounting Concentration
21 st Century Student Technology 5572
Business Concepts and Careers 5500
Accounting 1 5530
Accounting 2 5531 *
Business Concepts and Careers 5500
Entrepreneurship 5501
Personal Finance 5526
Business Law 1 5527
Business Law 2 5528 *
Accounting 1 5530
Accounting 2 5531 *
Economics 5535
AP Economics 5536
Marketing 1 5567
Marketing 2 5568 *
Cooperative Work Internship 5570
21 st Century Student Technology 5572
* Please refer to course descriptions for specific prerequisites .
*** Denotes courses required in sequence to be considered CTE Concentrator