EPS: EHS Program of Studies 2023-2024 | Page 3

Board of Education Ms . Jean Acree Dr . Gerald Calnen Ms . Janet Cushman Mr . Joshua Hamre Mr . Jonathan LeBlanc-Secretary Mrs . Tina LeBlanc – Chairperson Mrs . Amanda Pickett Mr . Scott Ryder-Vice Chairman Mr . John Unghire
Superintendent of Schools Mr . Chris Drezek
Deputy Superintendent of Schools Mr . Andrew Longey
Chief Academic Officer Ms . Michelle Middleton
Administration Ms . Erin Clark , Principal Mr . Connell Clark , Assistant Principal Mrs . Laura Gagnon , Assistant Principal Mr . Matt Murray , Dean of Students Ms . Patti Nelson , Dean of Students Mr . Corey Rewenko , Dean of Students Ms . Kristie Tinnerella , Dean of Students
School Counseling Mr . David White , Counseling Coordinator K-12 Mrs . Heather Aselton , Counselor Mrs . Amy Dunphy , Counselor Mr . Frank Genovese , Counselor Mrs . Elaine Helberg , Counselor Ms . Lauren Jefferson , Counselor Mr . Robert Joeckel , Counselor