EPS: EHS Program of Studies 2023-2024 | Page 29

• Hospitality and Tourism
• Human Services
• Information Technology
• Law , Public Safety , Corrections and Security
• Manufacturing
• Marketing , Sales and Service
• Science , Technology , Engineering and Mathematics ( STEM )
• Transportation , Distribution and Logistics
Summer School
A summer high school program is offered to residents of Enfield for the purpose of making up credit loss and / or required courses , grade improvement , and literacy / numeracy support for graduation requirements .
Enrollment and credit for any summer school course taken in Enfield or outside the district must receive prior approval from the student ’ s school counselor and building administrator . Summer school courses , unless approved in advance , are weighted as College / Career Prep for computing the grade point average . No more that 50 % of the total credits needed in a required subject area for graduation may be earned in summer school . The student must complete all established requirements for a given summer school course to receive credit . An enrichment course will not replace any required course , nor can it be applied toward the number of credits required for graduation .
Students may enroll in other pre-approved summer school programs in order to take prerequisite courses or to increase their general knowledge . The Enfield Public Schools is a part of the Bloomfield / Hartford / West Hartford Collaborative Summer School program . Credits awarded for the courses offered in this program adhere to state guidelines . Courses taken at a college will be awarded the same number of high school credits as they would have been awarded had the courses been taken at Enfield High School . Students may submit a request to include approved college courses on their high school transcript .
Refer to Board of Education Policy 6174 for detailed information about summer school . Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts
Students wishing to pursue a program in creative writing , dance , theater , or music are eligible to apply to the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts . Acceptance is determined by the academy . The curriculum is designed to offer each student an opportunity to train intensively in one of the performing arts , develop a broad understanding of all the arts and their interaction , and be in contact with the world of professional performing arts . The Enfield Board of Education provides a limited number of scholarships for students to attend the Greater Hartford Academy . These scholarships include transportation and full tuition for this program . Students who are not scholarship recipients may still attend the academy by paying the annual tuition fee . The Enfield Board of Education provides the cost for transportation for all students .