EPS: EHS Program of Studies 2023-2024 | Page 27

2 . Globally-focused student activities : Students are required to participate in a minimum of one globally-themed extracurricular activity over at least three years of high school .
3 . Global service learning project : Students are required to complete a service project connected to a global community or to a contemporary global issue . The time spent engaging in this project must equal at least 20 hours . Upon conclusion of the project , students must submit a reflection paper or product .
Students who commit to this program will work with an assigned advisor to ensure they are on track to meet all requirements . Students who successfully meet all requirements will receive a seal affixed to their diploma , as well as recognition of earning the Certificate of Global Engagement on their transcript .
Independent Study
Independent study offers students an opportunity to become involved in study beyond the existing curriculum to explore a specialized interest area . The procedure to apply for Independent Study follows :
• Obtain an application for Independent Study from the school counselor
• Find an advisor and develop a project proposal
• Obtain approval from the appropriate department coordinator
• Return the completed application with the required signatures to the assistant principal
• A committee consisting of the student , advisor , school counselor , and an administrator will convene to approve or reject the proposal
A student has the following grading options :
• Pass / Fail
• No grade , No credit
Credit ( s ) will be awarded upon successful completion of the independent study . These credits cannot be used toward meeting graduation requirements .
Peer Mentoring
The curriculum of the Peer Mentoring program supports the mission of Enfield High School . The program provides training that focuses on the development of leadership skills and effective interpersonal skills for mentors to better assist grade 9 students transitioning to high school . Embedded in the program is training that teaches students to :
• Demonstrate compassion and leadership towards others
• Understand role and responsibility of leadership
• Express and share ideas
• Recognize importance of effective listening and speaking skills
• Make appropriate academic , social and personal choices