Epoch D Ramification March 2014 | Page 2

EDITORIAL: Work by natural law


Work is an important and necessary aspect of life. Work is necessary for survival, and along the path of survival, there are lessons learned and knowledge gained. It is the engine, the heart, that motivates one to achieve set goals and become successful. Work prepares oneself for future tests and obstacles in life. Without work, there are no wants or needs, no food, clothes or shelter, or grander things like education, or jobs. Work changes one’s surroundings, one’s life.

Along with work, there is religion, education, family, health, environment, and other

minor aspects that make up one’s life. The situation at hand is that work influences all other aspects. One’s work whether it be a teenager in high school or an adult at their own job can be interrupted because of their religion. Families can be broken and separated because of work. In the education system, as students work less, they achieve little, and their set goals and dreams are no more than that, dreams. Work can be stressful or blissful for one or the other and the way one does work also depends on one’s surroundings, one’s environment.

Really, it is the simplest order of nature. Without working, one is not going to advance, succeed, or even, in the simplest ways, move on in life. But, of course, if one does work, one is able to arrive at a point of success and happiness, and if one wants to work more, than, there are much more beautiful things that awaits.