Epiko Magazine Epiko Diciembre | Enero 2015-2016 | Page 55

www.epikomagazine.com ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 MONTH RESOLUTIONS Enero | Febrero 2016 55 January is around the corner and you decide to finish your New Year’s resolution from last year before the new one comes around. You rush and try your best but you just cannot do it and just decide to restart it again this year. Why? What happened to your goal of looking like a fitness model before 2015 ends? Do not feel bad though, because you are not the only one. According to Forbes.com, from the 40% of Americans who actually do New Year’s resolutions, only 8% achieve their goals. But do you want to continue to be that 32% or make a true effort and be the 8%? It is all up to you but here are some things that can help. First of all, do not make resolutions each year a tradition, make them an achievable goal. Make sure that it fits your time schedule but if it does not fit everyday then no worries. Imagine that your goal is to build muscle and you intend to go everyday to the gym. First few days go by and everything is going well but on your fourth day you have to stay longer at work or have an exam in school and neglect your workout. You might even miss two days and now you get frustrated because you think you have lost your gains and you have failed yourself. It is not the end of the world, get up and keep going. Everyone is going to have set backs but it is all totally normal. As long as you do your best and leave the excuses aside, you will be able to do anything. Make your fitness resolution public; share it on all your social media. What? Yes, let everyone know that your goal is to lose 20 pounds this year, etc. Whatever is your goal let everyone know because this will compromise you even more to find the proper way of succeeding. People will remind you every time you go to work or school and they will also compliment you when they start to see changes. What better motivation than when people say, “Wow! You look amazing, I hardly recognized you.” That sure is a self-esteem boost and a push for you to continue doing what you do.