EPI FY 2019 Annual Report 2019 Annual Report pages | Page 23

IN-KIND Bol Cariari Britt Coffee Tour Cavernas de Venado Coordinated Management CTT Corso Lecheria Tour Cosecha Dorada Exploradores Outdoors Frame of Mind Kalambu Hot Springs Nan RT Fotografia Recreo Verde Sarapiqui Outdoor Center Tirimbina Rainforest Tours Pozo Azul S.A. Zip Beverage EPI strives to recognize all contributors accurately. If there is an omission or mistake, we apologize and ask that you notify us. “ WHY DO YOU GIVE? “ Deborah Strayer Linda Stringer Patience Stuart Deborah & John Sullivan David Swartz Vitaliy Teryoshin & Oxana Andreikova Jason Thane Sara Thane Stephanie & Rob Tharp The Theissen Family Harold Thomas & Kathleen Les Regina Thomas Clara Thomas Sandra Thornton Mel Moser Hollie Timmons Amanda Toney Richard Toscano & Jessica Emerson Tonya Troxler Paul Turner Tom Tyler & Cheryl Fields Tyler Cindy & David Vance Amanda VanenBosch John Velk Jonathan Velline Dan Vermeer Nicolette Voskericyan Julie Walsh Yueli Wang & Xinhua Yuan Alison Ward Meredith & Parker Warren Jennifer Watson Vicki Watson Kyle Watson Doug Webber & Nancy Winslow John Westgarth Lynne Whitbeck Marcie White Carolyn Whiteman Kelly Whiting Walter Whitlock Bruce Whitman Sara Wilhelmi Mark & Sue Williams Marianna & Wade Williamson Lauren & Jeff Willis Melissa Wolfson Stacy Woods Nakada Yoshihiko Katy & Chris Young The work that EPI does is very important to our community. EPI brings amazing programs to our youth to educate them on the importance of the fragile ecological systems, and how they affect our lives and our planet. Having these programs will create leaders for tomorrow that will fight to keep these ecosystems from disappearing. -AMY DOTY, 2019 DONOR 22