Envisioner | August 2019 Envisioner August 2019 | Page 13
Funding is the act of providing financial resources, usually
in the form of money usually to finance a need, program,
and project, usually by an organization or company. Usually
for startups in the initial stage there are three major series of
funding for optimizing their startup namely “Series- A, B & C”.
In Series A funding, investors are looking for companies with
great ideas as well as a robust strategy for turning that idea
into a thriving , remunerative profit-making business. It’s
common for firms going through Series A funding rounds to
be valued at up to $15 million. Recognized venture capital
firms which participate in Series A funding include Sequoia,
Greylock, and Accel.
Series B rounds are all about taking businesses to the next
level, past the development stage. Bulking up on business
development, sales, advertising, tech, support, and employ-
ees costs a firm a few pennies. Most Series B companies have
valuations between around $30 million and $60 million.
Organisations that make it to Series C funding sessions are
already quite successful. Mostly, a corparation ends its exter-
nal equity funding with Series C spherical of funding . How-
ever, some firms go on to Series D and even Series E rounds
of funding as well. At this point, companies are generally val-
uated at around $100 million.
By Vibhor Bharadwaj