Envisioner | August 2019 Envisioner August 2019 | Page 10

Cover Story Startup Ecosystem in India: TAKING THE BABY STEPS By Prableen Singh The Indian technolo- gy landscape has seen a tremendous growth towards creation of in- novative startups and has emerged as the 3rd fastest growing hub for technology startups in the country. 10 That the IT boom of the late 90s and ear- ly 2000s, brought about an economic revolution in India, is common knowl- edge, something that isn’t, though, is the fact that this surge in software ser- vices start-ups was consolidated in the country, at a macro level, over the peri- od of many decades. According to busi- ness historian Gita Piramal, two phases in India’s modern history, that of 1930s- the period between the two World Wars and the one just after Independence were marked by a lot of entrepreneur- ial activity, with very little bureaucracy to stop them, gave India a handy start. However, post-Independence, the so- cialist era kicked in and Indian entre- preneurial ecosystem had to start from scratch.