Environmental Science & Sustainability Undergraduate Programmes 2020 2020 Entry | Page 21

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY | 21 Environmental Research at Keele Keele has an active environmental research community, with staff and students contributing to varied and highly interdisciplinary research activity and outputs. When not teaching classes, staff members lead their own research projects, write journal papers and books, develop funding grant applications, provide consultancy advice and engage in other scholarly pursuits. Our research feeds directly into our teaching, ensuring students benefit from up-to-date knowledge and expertise. In the most recent national Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment, 97% of Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences publications from Keele were considered to be ‘recognised internationally’, ‘internationally excellent’ or ‘world leading’. Environmental sustainability Researchers have been involved with a wide range of sustainability research including fuel poverty, energy reduction through community knowledge networks, and education for sustainable development. Reconstructing past environments Glacial and permafrost environments Researchers examine microfossils (bivalves, foraminifera, diatoms) in water, sediment and salt-marshes to reconstruct past conditions in marine environments and reveal how climate and sea levels have changed over time. Researchers conduct extensive research into glacial and permafrost environments including: understanding glacier and permafrost interactions; glacial influences on groundwater and surface water hydrology; and the reconstruction of glaciated landscapes. Nutrient fluxes, gas exchange, contaminant behaviour and ecotoxicology in soil and water We conduct research into nutrient and contaminant movements within and between soil and water systems and how these impact on terrestrial and aquatic species. Novel methods for land remediation and restoration are an important focus. Forest ecology, biosecurity Researchers study many aspects of forest ecology and management, including biosecurity issues related to invasive species and how forests respond to fires and other stresses. Modelling of forest succession and development is also an avenue of their research. Environmental geophysics Researchers develop and apply engineering and geophysical techniques for the characterisation, investigation and remediation of environmental, geological, hydrological, archaeological, forensic and geotechnical problems. keele.ac.uk/gge