Environmental Scan 2017: Human Capital Issues within the Medical Devices Sector
Figure C-2: Other Medical Consumables - Breakdown of full time employees by job category
(MASCO 2013, 2-digit), Dec 2016
(n=35, representing 6,716 employees)
13. Production and manufacturing
managers, 2%
Others, 11%
Semi-skilled: 7%
Low skilled: 1%
31. Science and engineering
associate professionals, 5%
81.Stationary plant
and machine
operator, 25%
24. Business and administration
professionals, 5%
21. Science and engineering
professionals, 6%
93. Manufacturing 82. Assemblers, 25%
and transport
labourers, 21%
Source: Ipsos survey
Figure C-3: Non-Consumables - Breakdown of full time employees by job category
(MASCO 2013, 2-digit), Dec 2016
(n=21, representing 2,403 employees)
72. Metal, machinery and related trades workers, 4%
Others, 10%
Semi-skilled: 3%
Low skilled: 5%
41. Office clerks, 4%
13. Production and
manufacturing managers, 4%
12. Administrative and commercial
managers, 4%
83. Drivers and mobile plant operators,
82. Assemblers,
81. Stationary plant
and machine
operators, 19%
24. Business and administration
professionals, 6%
21. Science and engineering
professionals, 9%
31. Science and engineering associate
professionals, 14%
Source: Ipsos survey