Environmental literacy save our mother earth | Page 5
Smog can also inhibit:
1) Plant growth and damage crops and
forests. Coastal transport facilities have
significant impacts on soil erosion. Shipping
activities are modifying the scale and scope
of wave actions leading to damage in
confined channels such as river banks.
Highway construction or lessening surface
grades for port and airport developments
have led to important loss of fertile land. Soil
contamination can occur through the use of
toxic materials by the transport industry.
2) Motor vehicle pollution also
Fuel and oil spills from motor vehicles are
contributes to the formation of acid
washed on road sides and enter the soil.
Chemicals used for the preservation of
3) Also, it contributes to global
wooden railroad ties may enter into the soil.
warming; when fossil fuels like
Hazardous materials and heavy metals
petrol or diesel are burned they
have been found in areas contiguous to
give off carbon dioxide the main
railroads, ports and airports.
climate change gas. The amount of
carbon dioxide given off is directly
related to the amount of fuel burnt.
Heavy cars with big engines use a
lot of fuel per distance travelled,
releasing more CO2 and worsening
climate change.