An interview with Sunita Narain, well known environmentalist.
Sunita Narain is a crusader for environmental protection and sustainable development
with national and international reputation, Sunita Narain is a leading environemental
and political activist and powerful writer. She is the Director general of the Centre for
Science and Environmental communications and editor of fortnightly magazine, Down
to Earth. She is well known for her strong advocy for the introduction of CNG in Delhi,
to reduce air pollution.
• What is exactly climate change?
Climate change can be easily seen in countries
like, India and states Like Delhi. Citing the
extreme chnages in weather with unseasonable
torrential rains is the proof of climate change.
Take the example of Chandigarh, where people
have faced a huge problem with rainfall as on
one ocassion 30% of its annual rainfall was
received in 24 hours. Flood and drought situa-
tions have also shown the amount of destruc-
tion we as humans have made to climate and
the worst impacts are being ironically faced by
people who have done very little to contribute
these conditions but are facing the most of the
• What is the need for the hour?
Environement is an integral part of existence of
all living beings on Earth. The declining quality
of our environement and the degrading chang-
es that are shaping our climate does augur well
for the future of our p lanet. India needs to go
through a huge trasnformation in terms of
demography and in manufacturing
sector. We always tend to save that the time is
near when destructions will show us the result
of our overusage but in my opinion the time
has already started and is going on.If we want
to anything we have to do it now.
• What indivduals can do to saveguard
environement interest?
A lot of awareness need to be spread around in
terms of population growth, problem of urbani-
sation and limited resources- effective usage.
People should adapt techqiues like kitchen
garnening, making composite, use more of jute
bags and plastics should be eliminated from our
daily lifes. If we do not contribute to saving of
environment, government alone will not be able
to solve the problem. There is a strong need to
have participatrory apporach.