Enviro Mag April 2014 | Page 2

Magazine April 2014

Problems with generation and disposal of hazardous waste

Waste is something one consumes and or employs uselessly without adequate return. Waste is undesired material as a result of consumption. Organic waste decomposes naturally without leaving any harmful chemical toxins after degradation. This process is natural and very effective. However, man-made products do not decompose naturally and pose a risk to the human population.

Waste disposal methods use a lot of energy and cause energy waste. Landfill and Incineration are both common practices to remove waste. Yet, landfills harm natural environments and cause irreparable damage to the land. They can also leach into waterways and affect other ecosystems. Incineration generates ash which in itself also ha negative consequences on the environment.

In recent years, waste has been generating many problems for society. Waste keeps accumulating and it is becoming harder to find places to dispose of this waste. Some waste has been thrown into the ocean. The plastics in these wastes harm aquatic life and pollute natural waters. Also, waste costs a lot of money. When we throw away products, we lose the chance to reuse that product. By throwing away the product, we are basically throwing away our money, It also costs quite a bit of money to remove trash.Countries spend millions of dollars to collect and dispose of all trash. In the long term, it is likely that raw materials needed to create new products wil lrun out if we do not recycle.

It has never been more important to recycle,reuse and renew. The average American generates 4.5 lbs per day. That's almost 1643 lbs per year! In a country with a population of 314 million!If we don't start making changes in our consumption and recycling methods, the world will face a society that will soon run out of essential resources. The sooner we make these changes, the more prepared we will be for the future.

Article written and edited by Bhavana Seelam

(334 word)


"We can have technology, prosperity, nice homes and cars, but at the same time we must be conscious of what we are dumping into the water, the air and our food." -Kevin Richardson

Works Cited

"All about Waste." Office of Environment and Heritage. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

"The Problems with Waste." Communities In Action. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

"What Is Waste and Why Is It a Problem?" What Is Waste and Why Is It a Problem? N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.