It ’ s interesting to note that in a working relationship that was based in mutual trust and respect , Jack and I weren ’ t too “ buddy-buddy .” Knowing that it may damage the museum ’ s reputation , direction and growth if it were perceived that we were personally close , I think we both made a point of keeping a bit of distance between us . In hindsight , that ’ s too bad as I believe our common love of the banjo might have been the basis for a stronger personal friendship than a purely professional relationship could allow . Still , we had a common bond in the legacy project that meant so much to us both . As the museum celebrated its 10th anniversary in Oklahoma City in September of 2019 , Jack made his final visit and waved me over . As he was not generally a man to be quick with compliments , when he quietly commented , “ I like what you ’ re doing … keep it up ,” I proudly felt as though I had lived up to his hopes and vision for both me and the museum .
For what he shared with me … and what his legacy continues to share with the world , I will be forever in the debt of Jack Canine .