by Andy Johnson
Dear All Frets Members :
In so many ways the Coronavirus has changed our way of living and our every day lives . One of them being is one on one fretted music lessons . Many of you have mentioned on Facebook that your income is down because of having to social distance and are not in touch with your students . That is why in the last publication I asked to hear from members that are capable to teach electronically to contact me . No one responded stating they teach electronically .
Again , I make this request :
Please , as an All FRETS member in good standing ( your membership dues are up to date ), if you are experienced in teaching fretted instrument music lessons electronically and or in person , send the information to me so we can get that information out to our membership . State your name , the fretted instruments you teach , how you teach and your contact information .
We have had several scholarships granted over the years for lessons via the internet and they have been a success with the exception of one . The funds were returned as the rural internet connections were weak .
Funds are available and the Foundation Committee looks forward to hearing from you . Sincerely ,
Frank Andy Johnson , Foundation Chairman
andysbanjo73 @ gmail . com