entertainment section 1st graders_2017 Entertainment Section 2017 | Page 5
H oroscopes
Name: Ester Barros, Ellen Carol, Fernanda Azarias
Number: 52 , 5, 8
The air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Gemini: May 21-june 21
Planet: mercury
Quality: mutable
Libra: September 22 – October 23
Planet: Venus
Quality: cardinal
Aquarius: January 21 – February 18
Planet: Uranus
Quality: fixed
Air signs are all about action,ideas,and motion they are the `` winds of change``. When
a strong gust hits you,you con’t help but move. While some within their ranks May be
true – eife “airheads” , others are as powerfue as a gravity- defejing G- force. Air signs
bring everyone a breath of fresh air when things starte to get stole. Like the bruze,you
con’t quite catch them and you never know where thuy’ll drop you once they sweep you
up.It will almost al- ways benn an adventure,thouger.