Enterprise IPTV Video Networking Wireless Video HD Transmitters | Page 2

New: Wireless Control VidOlink Tally and The newly released VidOlink Tally & Control system delivers spectacular performance. While you are moving your HD SDI or HDMI video signals over a VidOlink Reacher or VidOlink Ranger, add this unit for the extra features of tally and camera control functions like RB Gain, Iris, A Iris mode, M Ped, Gain, Shutter, Bars, CC Filter select, ND Filter select, AWB, ABB, etc. The VidOlink Tally & Control has options for Sony, Panasonic, Ikegami, Thomson and Hitachi cameras. Brackets are available to secure the unit. Additonally, data can also be sent down our RF over fiber SMPTE units so with just one cable you can have RF, Data and power to your receive point.