Enterprise Collaboration Market by 2019 june 2014 | Page 2

http://www.micromarketmonitor.com/market/north-americaenterprise-collaboration-9441222176.html Asia Pacific Enterprise Collaboration Market The Asia Pacific Enterprise Collaboration market is expected to grow from $6.61 billion in 2014 to $11.29billion by 2019, at an expected CAGR of 11.73% for the period 2014 to 2019. This market contributes to 13.97% of the global market in 2014, and is poised to grow to 15.99%by 2019. The Asia Pacific region is an emerging market with potentially high adoption rate for enterprise collaboration. Meeting the expectation of businesses and users can bring increased profits and minimize costs. The major players in this market include companies like IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe, and Google, among others. http://www.micromarketmonitor.com/market/asia-pacificenterprise-collaboration-9360055657.html Europe Enterprise Collaboration Market Europe has seen a rise in the Enterprise collaboration market, the reason for which is suggested to be the rising adoption of mobile devices which influence the acceptance of enterprise collaboration. Also, reducing communication costs have been conducive in the growing enterprise collaboration market in Europe. The European enterprise collaboration market is expected to grow from $9.94billion in 2014, to $16.64 billion by 2019, at an expected CAGR of 11.64% for the period 2014 to 2019. This market contributes to 21.01%of the global market in 2014, and is poised to grow to 23.57%by 2019.The major players in this market include companies like IBM, Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe, and Google, among others. Email: [email protected] Tel: +1-888-502-0539