ENSPIRE MAGAZINE Be Well Issue | Page 57

to power . Like so many pioneers before us — Harriet Tubman , Shirley Chisholm , and Rosa Parks , who didn ’ t let their fear of personal loss prevent them from forging ahead and taking on the battle and challenging structures . They were outspoken , powerful women and examples we as women should lean on .
How do we , as women , come together and push for this equality ?
We first must equally acknowledge it . For far too long , we as women have bought into these lies told to us . If we work harder , if we do a little more , if we give up having kids , if we stay longer in the workplace , things will work out , that we will be equal , that will level the playing field . And I think the reason I called the book Awakening : Ladies , Leadership , and Lies We ’ ve Been Told , is really for us as women to awaken to the fact that no matter how hard we work and how much we give and how much we sacrifice , the door is never fully open for us . It ’ s like the myth about meritocracy in this country : everyone with skill and imagination may aspire to reach the highest level . Now it ’ s not to say that women aren ’ t successful in succeeding and winning . And I have a whole chapter in the book that highlights some very successful women that have been able to break through and do incredible things , but pointing to examples doesn ’ t negate the structural barriers that women still face . So we must continue to have these conversations to push for equality . And we understand that everyone isn ’ t going to be leading the march or are ones to be upfront . So , simple conversations , taking every opportunity to speak on the issue with friends , family , media , and television or social media .
Recognized as one of the nation ’ s leading advocates for autism acceptance , Areva is the author of an Amazon bestselling book , The Everyday Advocate : Standing Up for Your Child with Autism and Other Special Needs ( Penguin 2010 ). After her son ’ s diagnosis with autism , Areva created Special Needs Network , Inc ., California ’ s premier autism advocacy organization . Having raised millions of dollars for autism and disability-related causes , Areva has played a leadership role in advocating for state and federal laws to eliminate disparities in state funding for individuals with disabilities . A mother , wife , attorney , advocate , educator , and television personality , Areva Martin redefines success by personifying the notion that women can do it all .