Once they knew that he was going to have cancer surgery, dozens of workers signed up and lined up to donate blood. Upon leaving, Shaw said the words that would remain forever: "Now I am happy because working blood run through my veins."

"More than ever in current times, and in spite of difficulties, it is the duty of business leaders, as intellectuals and managers, to bring a message and the light of faith to the development of souls, to encourage and support, under the Christian social principles, the search for the solutions to adopt to our ever changing realities”, wrote the businessman in one of his books.

Always focused on the defense of workers' rights, participated of congresses, offered lectures and edited publications and manuscripts.

"He will be a saint in a suit and tie, who drove a motor scooter, traveled in a car or a plane, a man of our times, a man who is telling us that holiness is possible in today's world," said the postulator of his canonization, Juan Navarro Floria. Since the day of his death on August 27th, 1962 (41 yrs) he left a legacy that serves as an example of life, a gift that invite a deep thought on active and conscious participation in community life.

The canonical cause began in January 2000, when the Father Mario Poli presented the

theological view of the written works of Enrique Shaw and the commission of theologians was formed. Once in the Vatican, the long process began to first recognize the heroic virtues of the postulant, Shaw in this case, and then two miracles made through his intercession, the first one to be considered beatus and the second to achieve saintliness.

Enrique Shaw

Causa de Beatificación



ENRIQUE SHAW – Cause of beatification

ENRIQUE SHAW, Cause of beatification