ENLS Informational Guide Volume 1 | Page 56

Why is ENLS Important for All Providers in the Emergency Setting ?

The ENLS course is a great nursing tool . The course covers all the important aspects of early care and treatment for neuro patients ; and the opportunity
to complete the course online - at my own pace - is a perfect fit for busy Neurocritical care nurses who want to advance their
knowledge and skill .
DaiWai M . Olson , PhD , RN

ENLS sets a standard of care for all clinical practice
including nursing . An ENLS-certified nurse will have the core knowledge to provide the highest level of care for the patient .

Karen March , RN , MN , CNRN , CCRN ( alumnus )

ENLS offers nurses with or without experience in Neurocritical care an opportunity
to develop expertise in how to manage neurologic emergencies . Skills learned through ENLS may mean the difference between recognizing timesensitive patient changes and saving a life or missing subtle hints a patient is in distress . I cannot recommend this training enough ; it ’ s
mandatory training for those who routinely care for Neurocritical care patients and highly recommended to any nurse who may occasionally find themselves caring for a patient with stroke , trauma , or other neurologic emergency .

Sarah Livesay , DNP , RN , ACNP-BC , ACNS-BC