Enlightenment Issue MADE Magazine | Page 45

MADEXXXX A R E YO U A Good CO M M U N I C ATO R ? MADE BY JASMINE BROWLEY Whether you are working to climb the corporate ladder or establish a business of your own, being a good communica- tor is integral to attaining success at any juncture of life. But how can you determine if you’re good at it? Here are 17 questions that can help you pinpoint whether you’re a #boss at communicating—or in need of a bit more work. If it’s the latter, don’t fret, there are simple ways to improve your messaging skills. 1. Are you truly conveying a message? People are inundated with information every day. Make sure you’re first crystal clear WITH YOURSELF about what it is you want to communicate— be it overall brand messaging or a minute detail in one email— before attempting to reach out to someone else. (And remember, if you can’t boil your message down in a sentence, chances are, it’s not clear.) 4. Are you using an active voice? Active voice helps to drive forward calls to action and puts you at the center of it. It’s concise—and more impressive. Consider the difference between “The strategy was created by me earlier this week when I identified the problem,” and “I solved a problem by creating a strategy.” 2. Do you utilize effective storytelling? Stories are an intriguing way to draw people into your message on an emotional level— and they make you more memorable. No matter the task, try and find a story that reinforces your narrative to help really drive your point home. 3. Do you use numbers? If telling a story doesn’t seem to fully convey your point, consider using quantitative data. It’s an effective way to illustrate your stance. Also, think through some ways to make those statistics ring in the minds of the people you’re communicating with. 5. Are your messages jargon-y? There are some workplace terms used to simplify things—for instance if you refer to certain duties with abbreviations. If it works and everyone understands, have at it. But jargon risks alienating, or at least irking people. So, keep “moving the needle” on your own time. 6. Do you love clichés? Have you ever read that someone is “drinking the kool-aid” or or something is “low hanging fruit” and gave a strong side- eye as a result? That’s what happens when someone overuses cliches. We’re so used to seeing and hearing these they don’t have any real impact anymore. made-magazine.com | 45