Enlightenment Issue MADE Magazine | Page 40

life once you get the wrong people out of it . I always tell women I ’ m speaking with to distract yourself with yourself if you ’ re in this season where you ’ re trying to hold out . Maintain your values and have someone who really sees you correctly . I think we all have this image in our head of who we want to become , whether that ’ s learning a new language or losing weight or dance classes . Really start to take on some of those things that make you love yourself more and along the way God will bring someone who falls in love with who you are becoming .
MADE : In relationships , how do you know when it ’ s time to work through something or simply let it go ?
SJR : I think you have to qualify the relationship . My husband and I talk about this often — it ’ s all about divine confirmation . That same feeling you get when you ’ re worshipping or when you ’ ve heard someone speak and you ’ re like , “ Oh my God , something is happening on the inside of me that I don ’ t fully understand .” Those are the types of confirmations that we look for in relationships . Is the presence here ? Once you qualify that relationship and you know that that ’ s where God has you , everything is something you should be working through because that ’ s who God has for you in that season . I think working through things becomes challenging and daunting or even hurtful when you ’ re trying to work things out with someone who God doesn ’ t have for you .
MADE : What advice would you give to someone who feel like it ’ s too late to accomplish their goals ?
SJR : I ’ d tell that person as long as you feel like it ’ s too late , it is too late . You have to change your perspective on your present and when you change your perspective , you ’ ll begin to see that there are opportunities available to you . There ’ s creativity down on the inside of you . There ’ s still love , peace , forgiveness , joy and healing down on the inside of you . But , you ’ ll never be able to access it as long as you feel like it ’ s too late or this is just who I am . If you really want to change , if something down on the inside of you really wants to change , then the first thing you have to do is change your mind about you .
MADE : How do you stay encouraged during those difficult , transitional seasons ?
SJR : I really ask God in those transitional periods to show me what those seasons are trying to teach me . I try to stay prayed up and worshipped up . I think that because religion has such a bad reputation in our generation that it can be difficult for someone to be like , “ I just pray and I worship ,” because people don ’ t want always to believe in the power of that . I think that if we ’ re going to translate it into terms that people understand , [ I would say ] I get in the place where I feel the most peace . For someone that may be a yoga class , but for me it ’ s worship and the presence of God . In those seasons of transition , it really helps my spirit — the goodness of who I am , the light that ’ s down on the inside of me to rise above my issues , to rise above my obstacles . I feel like in those moments I ’ m bigger than the problem , rather than the problem being bigger than me .
Purchase Sarah ’ s book at : http :// amzn . to / 2p4P1cj
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