Enjoy Magazine - January 2019 January 2019 Issue | Page 14
Start the new year with gratitude
by Chrystal Caruthers
In the dark wee hours of a cold winter morning, staying snuggled under the covers is a luxury few can afford. To jumpstart
your morning, try a new routine. Start with gratitude. Sun salutations are simple stretches that allow you to get energy flowing
and the spine moving. Facing the sun, this series of movements is designed to strengthen, purify and improve your body. With
each move, you sync your breathing, going deeper into some poses and finding peace in the stillness. Don’t call it a new year’s
resolution. There’s too much pressure in that. Instead, plan to hit the floor giving thanks with every muscle in your body. Here
are three reasons to start your new year with a Sun Salutation routine.
Mountain Pose Urdhva Hastasana:
Upward Hand Pose Uttanasana: Standing
Forward Bend Ardha Uttanasana: 1/2
Standing Forward Bend
Plank Pose Chaturanga Dandasana:
Four-Limbed Staff Pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana:
Upward-Facing Dog Adho Mukha Svanasana:
Downward-Facing Dog
1. FLEXIBILITY: “You’re only as young
as your spine is flexible,” said Joseph
Pilates. Growing older has become
synonymous with stiff joints and
back problems. It doesn’t have to be
that way. Sun Salutations help to
gradually improve overall flexibility
and energize the body.
2. ELONGATE: The slow fluid
movements in Sun Salutations create
long lean muscles. With forward
bends and back bends, your muscles
will release the tensions of world.
3. GRATITUDE: Use this morning
routine as your personal time to give
thanks. With each pose, say “thank-
you.” Think about the rising sun,
the start of a new day and refresh
yourself for a new journey.