Letters to
The Editor
Dear Andrew,
I am a big fan of Square Enix and have been since the very first Final Fantasy game. I have played many games, but FF always stood out as my favourite. I used to order this magazine called Nintendo Power but they never had much on Squeenix like ENIX Reloaded does. I like how you give tips & hints to help players, but not in a way that gives away what to do. My favourite game in the FF Series is Final Fantasy 7 with Cloud Strife. I’m having trouble with Sephiroth. Any ideas or skills/sets that could work? Thanks, and I hope this magazine goes a long way! RELOAD!
Dear Andrew,
Thanks for creating a magazine for Squeenix. I know this is your first issue, but, I don’t like how you don’t really talk much about the other games Squeenix has made. Instead, you almost focus entirely on Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy. Square has made games such as Hitman, the all-new Thief, and many more. Not just Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy, but I do realize those are what they are most known for and that this is your first issue. Even so, please include other games and news about those in future issues.
Larry McBird
Jesse von Alexandre