Enhesa Client Training Auditing Tools (Audit ScoreCards/Country Profiles) | Page 50

Typical Audit Communication Schedule During the audit Three months prior to the audit • Audit dates are agreed between Lead Auditor and Client (changes are possible on mutual agreement) and communicate to the applicable facilities • Opening meeting describes the scope, focus and schedule of the audit • Key individuals to be interviewed identified and schedule established • Urgent matters are communicated immediately to facility management Four weeks prior to the audit: • A conference call is organized by the Lead Auditor with the facility EHS management, the auditors, and the Corporate EHS representative(s) • A draft audit plan/schedule is sent to the facility • A pre-audit screening questionnaire is sent to the facility to help auditors • A list of key documents and records the facility is normally required by national or local law to have or maintain is sent to the facility Enhesa 2013 At the audit closure meeting • A preliminary overview of the findings is presented to the facility (PowerPoint) Enhesa Approach to Client Audit Program (Ver2 of 2013-02-15) Slide 50