Enhance Regional Mobility September 3, 2024

Preparations Begin for Multimodal Delivery Pilot in September✅

The City ’ s pilot program , designed to test the efficiency and scalability of using autonomous , electric delivery vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while serving residents in need , is funded with the help of a $ 780,182 U . S . Department of Energy grant . The goal of this two-year study is to test and evaluate the use of no-emission or low-emission uncrewed aircraft and four-wheeled robots that are smaller than cars to deliver essential food items to individuals who are mobility challenged , historically disadvantaged , or lack a reliable means of transportation . On May 8th , 2024 , the City hosted a Multimodal Delivery Showcase to demonstrate autonomous ground robots and uncrewed aircraft systems that will be used to test the delivery of nonperishable food to Arlington residents . Residents were encouraged to provide feedback through a survey and meet with the project team to learn about the technology . ( Continued on next page .)

Q4 UPDATE · FY 2024 ✅

• Page 1-2 -Multimodal Delivery
• Page 3-5 - Citywide Projects and Updates
• Page 6 - Safe Streets and Roads for All ✅
• Page 7 - High Speed Rail Update ✅
• Page 8 - By The Numbers
✅ - Enhance Regional Mobility Business Plan Update


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