Enhance Regional Mobility September 3, 2024 | Page 7

High Speed Rail Update

“ High-speed rail is full steam ahead in North Texas ,” says Michael Morris , P . E ., North Central Texas Council of Governments ( NCTCOG ) Transportation Director . “ We have taken innovative steps to partner with two federal agencies to prepare the project for implementation .”
The Federal Transit Administration ( FTA ) will oversee and provide guidance for completion of the Dallas-Fort Worth High-Speed Rail Study ’ s assessment of the project ’ s effects on the environment and local communities . This action is required by the National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) and is expected to conclude in March 2025 . After receiving environmental clearance , the project can pursue public-private partnerships to develop funding and operational plans . Partnerships with Amtrak , local governments , and the private sector are on the table for full discussion .
Concurrently , NCTCOG received a grant from the Federal Railroad Administration ( FRA ) Corridor Identification and Development ( Corridor ID ) Program , which supports the development of existing or proposed rail corridors . This nationwide intercity passenger rail planning and development program creates a pipeline of projects ready for implementation .
The $ 500,000 Corridor ID grant will fund the first step in realizing a " one-seat ride " between the Dallas-to Fort Worth and Dallas-to-Houston high-speed rail projects . This includes creating a scope , schedule , and cost estimate for forming a Service Development Plan ( SDP ).
“ By concurrently undergoing NEPA and the Corridor ID Program , we are expanding our opportunities to implement Dallas-to-Fort Worth high-speed rail . This two-pronged approach paves the way for both federal and private partnerships , helping make high-speed rail in North Texas a reality ,” concluded Morris .
Source : North Central Texas Council of Governments DFW High Speed Update 2024 Newsletter , # 1