New York Avenue Rebuild Project Complete
Drivers in East Arlington can now celebrate the opening of all
four lanes of traffic on New York Avenue from Abram Street to
Arkansas Lane.
This nearly $12 million project, which began construction in
December 2016 and completed in September 2018, includes
new water and sanitary sewer lines, paving and drainage
improvements, sidewalk and curb ramp improvements,
benches and trash receptacles, pedestrian lighting, and
stamped concrete and pavers at intersections. Landscaping
improvements are also included in the project.
The reconstruction of this section of roadway is one part of the City’s New York Avenue Corridor Strategy aimed
at enhancing the quality of life in one of Arlington’s most diverse and established neighborhoods. The New York
Avenue Rebuild Project aligns with the Arlington City Council’s priority to Enhance Regional Mobility throughout
The American Dream City.
The City of Arlington has launched a regular Street Tracker segment on MyArlingtonTV to provide transparency
and up-to-date information on both current and proposed street maintenance and construction projects.
Residents can visit Arlington’s Street Tracker webpage at www.arlingtontx.gov/streettracker. The site features
an interactive map, project list, videos, a news feed featuring the latest information on street construction and
contact information for residents to report street problems, such as potholes, that they find in Arlington.
Residential Street Rebuild Bond Program Nearly Complete
The Arlington Public Works and Transportation Department is proud
to announce that road improvements being made under the 2014
Residential Rebuild program are nearing completion.
To reconstruct the greatest number of roadways in the shortest
amount of time possible, this $21.7 million project was split into
four phases. In addition to rebuilding the roads with concrete
designed to last 50 years, each phase included water and sanitary
sewer line improvements and addressed standing water issues on
various streets.
Construction of Phase I began in February 2016 and was completed
earlier this spring. This $8.4 million project consisted of improvements to sections Apache Street, Forrestal Drive,
Kent Drive, Meadow Lane, Raton Ridge Lane, Tharp Street, Waggoner Drive, and Wynn Terrace.
Phase II includes segments of 14 different streets in three separate neighborhoods in east and west Arlington.
This phase remains on target to complete major construction in November.
August saw the completion of Phases III and IV. These two phases addressed portions of Harmon Terrace, Kelly
Terrace, and Wynn Terrace and Carswell Terrace, Connally Terrace, and Glynn Oaks Drive in east Arlington. Phase
IV also addressed ponding issues on Overbrook Court.
Funding for these improvements, which align with the City Council priorities to Enhance Regional Mobility and
Champion Great Neighborhoods, were approved by Arlington residents in the 2008 and 2014 bond elections.