Enhance Regional Mobility May 28, 2024 | Page 8

By The Numbers : FY24 Q2 ✅


Active Riders : 25,398 Rides Completed : 143,842 Average Wait Time : 17 minutes Customer Satisfaction : 4.7 / 5


Total Requests : 48,696 Total Trips Provided : 34,852 On-Time Delivery Percentage : 90 %


Travel Time on northbound Cooper from Turner Warnell to I-30 : 22:44 Travel time on southbound Cooper from I-30 to Turner-Warnell : 23:16
Travel time on northbound Collins from Mansfield Webb Road to Mosier Valley Road : 26:39 Travel time on southbound Collins from Mosier Valley Road to Mansfield Webb Road : 27:35 Travel time on eastbound Division from west city limit to east city limit : 17:41 Travel time on westbound Division east city limit to west city limit : 15:53 Travel time on westbound Pioneer Parkway from west city limit to east city limit : 18:27 Travel time on westbound Pioneer Parkway from east city limit to west city limit : 17:52 Lane Miles with Overall Condition Index ( OCI ) < 50 : 508 Percentage of Traffic Signals Receiving Annual Preventative Maintenance : 6 % Percentage of Signs replaced that do not meet minimum standard : 12 %
Travel times are through the end of Q2 * times in minutes