“ The Southeast Connector project has afforded increased economic opportunities for businesses located right here in our community , and will continue to do so as construction advances ,” said State Representative Nicole Collier . From the beginning , TxDOT has made this project community driven . They have considered and included community input and feedback and demonstrated first-hand how government works for , and with , the people of Texas .
Michael Morris , North Central Texas Council of Governments Director of Transportation , said the Southeast Connector project is a terrific example of partnerships between local government , the Regional Transportation Council , and TxDOT .
“ It demonstrates transportation improvements at a neighborhood level , city level , regional level , and state level . The project brings added capacity , improved mobility , opportunities to improve air quality , and economic development opportunities to our region ,” Morris said .
In advance of construction , the land at I-20 and Park Springs Boulevard in Arlington has been cleared for use by TxDOT . The southwest corner will be the home of the materials testing laboratory . The remaining three corners will be used for materials delivery and storage yards .
It ’ s not only important for Tarrant County , Fort Worth and Arlington , but also facilitates trade , increases safety , and improves efficiency for the entire
" This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal , engineering , or surveying purposes . It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries ."
Sublett Road
Improvements ✅
Construction began on Sublett Road between Joplin Road and the western city limits in January 2023 .
This voter-approved project , which is estimated to be completed in January 2024 , includes the following improvements :
• Rebuilding and realigning the 2-lane asphalt roadway to a 3-lane concrete roadway with on-street bike lanes and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway .
• Installation of a bridge and retaining walls to span over creek .
• Installation of new streetlights , new traffic signs , and new pavement markings .
• Installation of storm drainage infrastructure .
LEGEND Project Location
Municipality Limits
Sublett Road ( West City Limits to Joplin Road ) Project No . PWST18005 Location Map
Prepared By : PWT Engineering Operations 10 / 21 / 2022
• Water and sanitary sewer infrastructure renewals .