During the first year , the project team will conduct community outreach , determine the locations for the deliveries , develop a concept of operations plan , and conduct the first of two short demonstrations . Each demonstration will last between two and four weeks to test drone and autonomous delivery vehicle technology and performance delivering packages to homes . In the second year of the study , the first demonstration will be analyzed , a second demonstration will be conducted , and final analysis , reporting , and sharing of lessons learned will be completed .
The University of Texas at Arlington ’ s Institute of Urban Studies ( IUS ) will assist in engaging potential participants and the broader public within the study area to help determine the preferred delivery modalities . Graduate students in the IUS and graduate students under the direction of Dr . Yan Wan , Distinguished University Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department , will conduct community outreach and gather public input to help inform travel routes , delivery areas , and other key aspects of the overall demonstration project . They will assist the project team in reporting project outcomes , participant experiences , and implications for further efforts .
Anticipated benefits from the project include knowledge that could help scale similar delivery services to reduce the number of vehicle miles traveled , reduce greenhouse gas emissions , and improve overall efficiencies in delivery and transportation systems . Lessons learned from this project in Arlington will be shared widely to help other communities seeking similar benefits .
The City of Arlington was among 45 recipients nationwide selected by the Department of Energy ’ s Vehicle Technologies Office competitive grant program , which provides funding to advance research , development , demonstration , and deployment of projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector . The total project cost is estimated at $ 1.6 million , nearly half of which is grant funded . The required local match will come from contributions from all project partners through in-kind staff time and the use of equipment .
The Public Works Department is pleased to announce that work to rebuild Avenue E located between SH 360 and Great Southwest Parkway is complete .
Construction for this project began in February 2021 and was completed in July 2022 . This project was on track to be completed ahead of the contract time , but due to unforeseen issues in coordination with Union Pacific Railroad ( UPRR ) the final completion date was delayed by several months .
This project was part of the City ’ s program to rebuild streets throughout the city that have deteriorated beyond general maintenance and included the following improvements .
• Rebuilding the 4-lane concrete roadway with medians and landscaping
• Installation of sidewalks
• Streetlight improvements
• Storm drainage infrastructure improvements
• Renewal of water and sanitary sewer infrastructure
Funding for this project was approved by Arlington voters as part of the $ 8.2 million Street Improvements package included in the 2014 Bond Election . This project aligns with the City Council ’ s priorities to Enhance Regional Mobility and Champion Great Neighborhoods .
You can learn more about projects approved by Arlington voters in the 2014 , 2018 , and 2023 Bond Elections under Bond Tracker and projects currently under construction by visiting the Street Tracker web page at https :// www . arlingtontx . gov / city _ hall / departments / public _ works / street _ tracker