Who ’ s On the Move : Jan Hensley ’ s Arlington On-Demand Story
Jan Hensley is 79-years old and just recently learned about the Arlington On-Demand public transportation program .
While working with one of the many nonprofit organizations in Arlington , Hensley revealed she no longer had a working vehicle and had not been able to come to a local nonprofit agency for food appointments since January 2024 due to her car issues . When Hensley was provided an Arlington On-Demand promo code , she planned to use it to attend free computer classes and was excited when she understood how the free ride program worked , listing all the places she could now go . After her vehicle broke down , she walked to the grocery store , to her friend ’ s home , and even to her doctor ’ s appointments , but with Arlington On-Demand she will no longer need to do that . Hensley ’ s sons are not always available to give her rides to some locations , but now she can rely on herself to book a ride with the City ’ s public transportation service and go anywhere she needs to .
When speaking with Hensley over the phone she mentioned how she would be able to visit her friend now and “ go to my doctor appointments ” without having to walk long distances . She also stated , “ I am very happy you called and offered me this option for transportation .” Hensley has attended several computer classes and appreciates using Arlington On-Demand for transportation to these classes . She said she intends to use Arlington On-Demand for future transportation to these classes .
The free ride program is available in partnership with a variety of nonprofits that serve the Arlington area and is designed for riders that fall into very low income categories as determined by the U . S . Department of Housing and Urban Development . Trips are funded through Community Development Block Grant ( CDBG ) dollars . By partnering with local agencies , riders can receive a promo code that best suits their needs , such as a single round trip or a monthly ride pass .
City Completes Voter-Approved Harris Road Rebuild in South Arlington ✅
The Public Works Department is pleased to announce that work to rebuild Harris Road between Calender Road and South Cooper Street is complete . Construction for this project began in March 2021 and was completed in August 2024 .
The purpose of this effort was to rebuild Harris Road between Calender Road and South Cooper Street from a two-lane asphalt roadway to a three-lane concrete roadway to improve traffic congestion . The funding for this project was provided by the 2014 Street Bond funds and Water & Sanitary Sewer Renewal funds .