Enhance Magazine | Page 9

member spotlight to do it . She would always ask me the same question : “ Renee , did you give the run 100 % effort ?” My response was always the same : “ yes , Jen , I did .” She would then tell me the run was a success and it would show on race day .
Training through the summer was not always easy or comfortable . When the humidity is at 90 %, expectations need to be adjusted . There was not a runner I knew who wasn ’ t having some sort of trouble with the heat and humidity this past summer . Renee always gave each workout her best , and I knew she would get frustrated when the training times and effort put in did not sync . I kept stressing to her if the effort was there , the payoff would come . To her credit , she did not give up . Renee trusted the process and continued daily to put in the work .
Three weeks leading up to the race , I had an idea of having someone jumping in near the end of the race to pace me for the remaining miles . Jen agreed and I did not think twice about who I wanted to run with me . I asked Andrea Bradley , and she was very happy and willing to help . The plan was for me to start with the 3:45 pace group and for Andrea to jump in for support and help me if I needed it . And I needed it ! The first eighteen miles flew by . Everything was going as planned until mile 20 . The pace leader at this time took our 8:30 pace down to an 8:15 and by mile 24 , I could not keep up . I hit the wall . All I can remember is Andrea being about ten steps ahead of me with her head turned sideways yelling at me to get up the hill . She did this for three miles . Jen told Andrea you have one job to do in this race : get Renee through the last three miles , and that is exactly what she did .
About three weeks prior to the race , I started to develop Renee ’ s race strategy . Before this , I was still not totally sure where I should pace her . Even though she had the drive and the talent , taking 30 minutes off a marathon is very aggressive , and I did not want to set her up for failure . Her training runs had all gone very well , and she had run a half marathon the week prior looking strong in hot and humid conditions . She had her fueling strategy down and , most importantly , she was strong and not injured . I knew her biggest problem when racing was falling apart at the end . We discussed the course , the “ wall ,” and having Andrea pace her . I knew at this point she was ready , and if the weather cooperated , she would have a phenomenal race .
Those last three miles were the hardest miles I have ever ran . I kept telling myself over and over again , “ believe in yourself , Renee . Everyone else does .” I kept asking God to give me the strength to keep going . When we got to the top of the last hill , I remember seeing the finish ahead and the clock said 3:43 . I had two minutes to cross the finish line . Andrea yelled at me to go ! I crossed the finish line at 3:44:04 . Jen was waiting for me as soon as I got there , and she grabbed me and hugged me so tight . She said , “ you did it , Renee ! You just qualified for the Boston Marathon !” I
could not catch my breath , and I could not stop crying . This is a moment in my life I will never forget . When I stop and think about it , I am still in shock . I am forever grateful to Jen Besten for being such an amazing coach . She has a gift of knowledge when it comes to running , and I would not be the runner I am today or have qualified for the Boston Marathon without her .
I kept telling myself over and over again , ‘ believe in yourself , Renee . Everyone else does .’ I kept asking God to give me the strength to keep going .
enhance magazine | JANUARY 2017 9